Zines / Publications
Produced for TXTbooks from 2014-Present. A number of these have been exhibited annually at the New York Art Book Fair and sporadically at other zine fairs across North America. Many of these titles are (or have been) for sale at Printed Matter and Draw-Down books among others.
Book Fell Into Ocean
16pp Zine for TXTbooks' virtual exhibition 'Book Fell Into Ocean.' completed for printed matter for NADA Miami. The exhibition was premised upon a fictional shipping incident that damaged artworks en-route to the art fair and spilled them out into the ocean. The exhibition itself took place in the ocean with the user piloting a drone to survey the damaged art. This pamphlet was designed as a faux-auto-generated insurance report crudely built atop the New York City flood insurance / water damage claims form as found on the city governments website.
Phosphorescent, Tyrone Williams
Cover and Zine design for Tyrone Williams' Phosphorescent. The cover is stamped in white on clear acetate and bound with glow in the dark spirals, all together binding a full for color result printed book. Designed with Nichole Shinn. 64 pages, 4 color Riso.Released via TXTbooks in 2021.
Flower Finds, Oriane Jeanselme.
Cover and Zine design for Oriane Jeanselme's Flower Finds. Released via TXTbooks in 2021.
Bye, Now!
A book of drawings based around the deconstruction of an idealized cartoon world. 64 Page multi-color Riso w/ perfect-bound spine.
Riso Color Cards
A Risographic Home-Depot Color Department experience. Created as an aid for project planning purposes.
Crying In The Sun
Chapbook designed for Francesca DeMusz as the third entry into the TXTbooks chapbook relay series. "For Joey Ramone, for hanging out smoking cigarettes waiting for me to get off work."
Knotted At The Laces
Chapbook designed for Maddy Rojas and Alexander Orange Drink as the fourth entry into the TXTbooks chapbook relay series. "For those who run towards strange feelings." Cover features custom Hobo "swashes" and "ligatures"
No Scroll Zone
Motivational? hardware store poster series based on Home Depot (Hillman Sign Center) posters and bad critiques of how we currently use the internet. Available at txtbooks.us
TBH, I Don't Get What's So Special
28 page drawing zine for myself.
Writings both observational and speculative on the happenings of Businessmen. In some ways it is an answer to the Henry Rollins spoken word piece of the same name, but sillier. In other ways it is my own coping with becoming a white-collar professional. Written in Midtown, NYC summer 2017 while working at Bloomberg Businessweek. Edited by Mike Devine.
Sweet Tooth
A 42 page photo zine designed for Jacob Winans. For Eli Todd.
Don't Watch Me Dancing
Chapbook designed for Ryan Carson as the second entry into the TXTbooks chapbook series. "Only literary in the way that to look at anything and to be moved to anger is to be a poet in America."
Love Poems
Chapbook designed for Annie Paradis and the inaugural entry into the TXTbooks chapbook series. "Love poems is a series of moments between a lover & their loved. Things are all laid out & then completely forgotten. If their love kills each other they know that in another place & in another time none of that ever happened."
Stay Super Supplement
24 page drawing zine produced to supplement a larger publication that never came to fruition. Oops...
Redrover Redrover
32 page photo zine designed for Jake Winans.
Nothing Really Happened
A game of visual telephone with Jack Nachmanovitch, Mike Finkelstein, and myself.
Mnemonic Plague
An attempt to hollow-out and rebuild the structure of the Mnemonic device, a first-letter memorization structure, to create something more esoteric in its place. Each poem follows the structure M-N-E-M-O-N-I-C-P-L-A-G-U-E.
I Also Have A Magical Kingdom
A petulant non-rebuttal to Adventure Time and other animated shows with my own, arguably worse kingdom. Was featured on Printed Matter's Contemporary Illustration table.
Everything Keeps Going Horribly Wrong
Digital finger paintings recounting the tragic and repeated deflation of Florentijn Hofman's world famous "Rubber Duck" sculpture.
Foot Tension
Exploring the proximity and caged animal syndrome of New York's subway system through relationships between the feet of fellow riders and myself. Hostile feet in red, my feet in blue.
For Sale
A zine exploring the visual language of garage sales and flea markets. It aims to apply the standard store-bought graphic systems in the manner of the chaos they attempt to cut-through.
Commute Alors
A collection of poetry written during my commute to-and-from my internship at NYC design studio Zut Alors! The series is an attempt to take note of my first true commuting experience and the harsh transition into the people-grinding subway system. Much of the collection follows a stream of consciousness picking up on observations of a yet-to-be-dulled commuter (myself at the time).
Face Book
A fraction of the massive amount of metadata and user information created during my now 8 years membership of social media platform Facebook. This book holds IP addresses, Advertising Data, Access Logs, and more from the select period of March 2014. Each unit of data corresponds 1-to-1 with a singe sheet of printer paper in an attempt to draw notice to the often neglected volume of data we unknowingly produce and surrender to communications giants. Featured on Library of the Printed Web. 256 p.
there's always another around the bend...