BKABF 2018-2022
Identity, website, social posts, fair guide, and ephemera for Brooklyn Art Book Fair, an art book fair dedicated to showcasing publications, original artwork, and editions by underrepresented and emerging artists and writers. BKABF seeks to invert the typical book fair model by providing tables and space to all of its exhibitors free of cost. The project is initiated by Paul John and Endless Editions. Completed in conversation and collaboration with Robert Blair and Thomas Colligan through TXTbooks. Illustrations by Thomas Colligan.
Brooklyn Virtual*** Art Book Fair 2021
A Return to Nature.
Brooklyn Art Book Fair 2020
A call for warmth and community. As the pandemic rolled into spring, it became obvious we would not be doing an IRL zine fair, so we partnered with Aarati Akkapeddi to create a virtual fair, featuring programming curated by Paige Landesberg, and 40 tables of NYC based publishers. Completed pro-bono with the amazing crew at Endless Editions. To our knowledge it was the first virtual "fair" experience of this nature. Illustrations by Thomas Colligan. Co-Design completed with Robert Blair.
Social Media GFX
Zoom Backgrounds
Brooklyn Art Book Fair 2018/19
Identity, website, social posts, fair guide, and ephemera for Brooklyn Art Book Fair. The second annual Brooklyn Art Book Fair is an art book fair dedicated to showcasing publications, original artwork, and editioned work by underrepresented and emerging artists and writers. BKABF seeks to invert the typical book fair model by providing tables and space to all of its exhibitors free of cost. The fair was hosted at the McCarren Park Pool, which lead to an emphasis on pools, bodies of water, and aquatic themes in general. The project was initiated by Paul John and Endless Editions. Completed in conversation and collaboration with Robert Blair and Thomas Colligan through TXTbooks. Illustrations by Thomas Colligan.
Brooklyn Art Book Fair 2019
Our strategy for 2019 was essentially the same with a new set of illustrations specifically about birds and ducks.